Three events will take place on 29th June 2025:
- 10km run
- 5km run
- Mini-oak Challenge
The 10K run
The undulating route includes a mixture of quiet roads, farm tracks and footpaths.
Starting in the Emmer Green Primary School field, it heads out of Emmer Green via Gravel Hill and follows the quiet lanes towards Kidmore End.
The run then heads across fields bordering Sonning Common before descending down through the golf course and back towards the school field along St Barnabas Road. Watch out for the cheeky hill near the end!
Route map for EMMER GREEN 10K by sue veal on
You can download a GPS file of the route to your device from PlotARoute.
Trophies will be awarded to the winner and age category winners:
1st Female, 1st FV over 35, 45 and 55
1st Male, 1st MV over 40, 50 and 60
All finishers will receive a medal.
The 5K run
The 5K is also an undulating route includes a mixture of quiet roads, farm tracks and footpaths. It follows the 10K route to the 3km mark, where the course splits in Tokers Green. Runners will follow the quiet lane, before ascending a short hill and rejoining the 10K route just before the 9km marker.
Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed male and female runners. All finishers will receive a medal.
Both the 5 and 10K are is chip timed to ensure each runner has an accurate time recorded. Chip timing is provided by Tempo Events, race numbers and timing chips are to be collected at the registration desk on race day.
The Mini-Oak Challenge
The children can run/walk as many laps of the school field as they would like, raising money through sponsorship should they wish. As part of their entry, children will receive a Mini-Oak Challenge t-shirt (subject to availability) and will be awarded with a wooden medal..
We have a dedicated sponsorship website to make it easier for your friends and family to donate. Please visit the Mini-Oak page. Please ensure you add the child’s name and class in the ‘comment section’. The child who raises the most money individually will have the chance to start the adult’s race as in previous years.

The kids’ medal
Please visit the mini-oak sponsorship link or scan this QR Code below:
Registration will be under the large event shelter in the playground. Registration desks will be open from 8:45 am, and this is where you collect your race numbers. Everyone must be registered by 09:45 am.
If there are places available, there will be the opportunity to enter on the day, at the registration desk. We are now a cash-less school so can only accept card payments.
Warm-up and start
There will be a pre-race warm-up which will take place close to the start line at 09:45am, straight after the race briefing. Both the 5 and 10K runs start at 10:00 am.
The Mini-Oak Challenge will start at 10:15am, following a warm-up which will take place after the 10K runners have left the school field.
Runners will be able to leave bags in a designated area in the school hall. This will not be manned and runners leave personal effects at their own risk.
There will be a water station on the 5 and 10km route where the courses split (just before the 3km mark), a second water station is situated on the 10Km route between the 5km and 6km mark.
Toilets are situated in the school and will be sign posted from the playground.
There will be refreshments available to buy on the day, including tea, coffee, bacon rolls, vegetarian sausages and freshly made cakes.